It's an inspirational book with a little bit of religious. I finished it within 2 days although it’s a short one (maybe I’m
a slow reader), I was distracted by chores and planned outings. Despite
distracted, my mind was with this book and couldn’t wait to be back to it and
say “Oh I’m back! I missed you! Continue feed me!” It pulled and kept pulling me in with the story. I was not eager to know the ending but enjoyed exploring with the flow.
When I was
browsing in MPHOnline.com looking for books randomly this book was just after
my glanced for few times. The book name made me thought that “Nah… it should be
a boring book. It may be a person promoting time saving everywhere and tells
about his process and success; or someone either ordinary or popular wasting
his time on his job, soulless life yet believe it’s meaningful, not
appreciating blah blah blah… when come to realizing blah blah blah again…”. It kept appearing in my screen (it’s top recommended among of the popular list) until it finally succeeded to lure my attention after a long browse. I
clicked in and read its’ description.
And what’s
the story? Erm... I prefer not to tell in detail which will spoil the mood. However,
here’s a little hint from MPHOnline.com:
Product Description:
Banished for centuries, as punishment for trying to measure time, the inventor of the world's first clock is finally granted his freedom, along with a mission: a chance to redeem himself by teaching two people the true meaning of time. He returns to our world and embarks on a journey with two unlikely partners: a teenage girl who is about to give up on life and a wealthy, ageing businessman who wants to live for ever. To save himself, he must save them both.Gripping, and filled with deep human truth, this unforgettable story will inspire readers everywhere to reconsider their own notions of time and just how precious it truly is.
Soooooo, it’s different from my boring thought and the
description interested me too. I researched and it’s mostly good reviews
everywhere. Then, put into cart and paid. It was a good buy. I’m not a fan of
story begin slowly and clamps with ‘wow wow what?!’ words. I admit I’m not great
in English but still not bad. Stories with sentences with extremely deep bizarre
words will make me forget about it and leave the stories alone. But this book not. It started how the author from the international best seller, Mitch Albom
wrote it should be and attracted you till the end. Easy reading and
understanding despite some imagination needed (tips: it’s an illusion one involving
the other side of the world, and one unpredictable character).
What it taught me?
Humanity, life, positivity and destiny. One who wants too
little time, while, the other wants another lifetime. They tried to change and
manipulate but time is an uncontrollable measurement to humans, you cannot end
your future by yourself nor extend it till no last. We shall not change what is
destined, thus, live meaningful and appreciate those mean a lot to us everytime, anytime.
There’re a few sentences I comprehended by:
"We all yearn for what we have lost. But sometimes, we forget what we have."
And the famous one is:
"To make each one precious."
Oops am I hinting too much? Anyway, ‘The Time Keeper’ is a
book worth to read. You can check it out in Amazon.com, Kinokuniya and MPHOnline.com.
Price currently in Kinokuniya and MPHOnline.com are the same at webprice RM37.90 only and RM34.11 if you are a member, while, it's at least RM46 in Amazon.com converted from USD. Availability status subject to them.
And what’s more? Those interested and are not a member of
MPHOnline.com, go register now and they’ll mail you a discount code of 20% off
on all normal price books and free delivery valid on your first purchase only
within 14 days.
You read it the whole book already? Great! Do you like it? Let’s share your thoughts and
review by commenting below J
And I would be happy if you know any other good or better books to recommend by commenting below as well. Thank you and have a great day ahead J
Hi all, please let me know what do you think about this book if you've read it. And if you have better books to recommend... please share :)