Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Your Imperfection Completes You

"My boobs are too small I want to get bigger one by plastic surgery."
"I don't like my thin lips. It will be perfect if it's like Angelina Jolie's."
"Ah! Girls now are carrying luxury handbags but I cannot afford one. I feel shame out there among the trendy girls."
"I have to be cute because it's the 'thing' everyone likes now."
"I cannot go into public without makeup."

I often heard my girlfriends commented. Following trend, guys commented too.

"I'm too short! I cannot find a girlfriend."
"I don't have six packs. I'm not wearing that swimsuit like tight T-shirt." Gosh.. In fact, he's quite fit and the T-shirt wasn't tight at all which pretty much suited him.
"Man I'm going to get a new car! Look at them with their high performance cars and handsome watches. Perfect package! I have none they are having."

In this century, fashion and trend show perfection, thus, imperfection alarmed. Humans' high conscious on imperfections neglected their true selves. Desire to be the-famous-him/her. Being pretty, handful of high technologies, high status and many more are what humans desire in this world. It could be break down into two categories:
Image courtesy of Sira Anamwong at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
  1. Beauty perfections and imperfections. Face, body figures, skin textures and tones are what men and women always aware of. The imperfect flat nose, big face, big thighs and etc. always depress them. Some even disgust them to the max. Because beauty has been standardized to narrowed high nose, thin like runway models (for women) or tanned masculine body with six packs (for men). Makeup became compulsory, it’s sometimes messy and tiring. However, you’ll feel free and well without it.
  2. Lifestyle and material perfections and imperfections. Well, it has to be latest handphones that most features are not needed/unnecessary, new car that pulls up your debt, luxury watches and bags, trendy shoes that hurt, manager status that’s eating your soul everyday, wealthy impulsive lifestyle to show you are living good or better than others. They earn to get it and these materials absorb most or even all of their savings. A perfect package gives proud and confidence but they are depressed, majorly from the lifestyle and material perfections they are chasing. Souls are dead for the perfections.
“As machines become more and more efficient and perfect, so it will become clear that imperfection is the greatness of man.” 
By Ernst Fischer

"It’s common." They think. People are afraid of being incompatible lead common is what they are trying to be and hide what are shameful – their uncommon imperfections. They do not realize the ‘common’ they after will decay. Those nonspirituals will be replaced without appreciation. And ironically, imperfection perception yearn more beauty and material satisfaction, while, uniqueness extincting.

This reminds me of Korean girls. I cannot identify them, maybe I’m a dumb in identifying and they all look the same to me. Can you?

If everything and everyone is the same, what are you so special?
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it is better to absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." 
By Marilyn Monroe.

Between men and women, a man finds something missing from a woman who appears perfect; a woman is bored of a man who she once thought he's perfect. The reason, imperfection.

You see, it's not empty but incomplete.

Embrace your imperfections.

Mirrors let you see you. Identify who you are, how you are. Despite all the imperfections you see and feel, ain’t others the same? No one is perfect. Flaws and holes in life make the unique you. Nick Vujicic (Australian Christian evangelist and motivational speaker born without four limbs) continues his life amazingly, why can’t us? Every successful man fell and messed up before they reach the destination. That’s what make them unique and memorable.

Personally me, one of my imperfections is I’m very hairy from top to toe, every inch pretty much than a lot of Malaysian men but I embrace it. A woman as hairy as me may feel disgusting, I did! People talked at my back. I got teased and felt shameful to stand out, covered myself, tried to get rid of it but didn’t work. My low self-esteem destructed me. I hated it and eager to pull my skin out. One day, I was inspired. This is me! I’m hairy but my hair did no harm, instead, it protected me from scratches. Kids had fun counting my hair (although always out of count, funny though). I was tired of covering anyways. If I cannot accept it how should I ask others to accept me? I’m different! Love myself first! That’s what I decided and now I’m free and confident. People I know within my circle, they don't care but to have joys with me.

Here’re some little tips on how to embrace your imperfections:
1.      Understand that humans are imperfect. We are created this way by God for His reasons.
2.       Learn to accept it, laugh at it. Empower the positive energy. You’re real and you’re better than ever.
3.       Make it as your strength. Either it’s good or bad, it’s unique. What you have and your experience would benefit you. If it's as minor as short neck, say "this neck supported me and I thank it. I still can wear neckless!"
“Usefulness is not impaired by imperfection. You can still drink from a chipped cup.” 
By Greta K. Nagel

4.     What is the purpose of your life? Work on it. Stay true and be confident heading your destination. What you have or how you do might not be perfect but you’ll feel real and comfortable at your destination. Others will see you as a perfect one. How do you think the successful celebrities are so being crazily admired?
“I'm not suggesting that the play is without fault; all my plays are imperfect, I'm rather happy to say - it leaves me something to do.” 
By Edward Albee

I would like to highlight that I’m not against plastic surgery, makeup nor trend and fashion. The point is, we should not be shame of our imperfections, focus on it and hide behind a mask. You can still change or makeup to enhance but not over the true you. Your true self is the most attractive and perfect. Not to say that be as messy as you could.

At the end, don’t judge and compare. Neither to yourself and others. Free yourself from the high standards. Everyone is unique. The path may be different but what you’re holding to achieve is unique so do your life will be great and memorable.

“We learn as much by others' failings as by their teachings. Examples of imperfection are just as useful for achieving perfection as are models of competence and perfection.” 
By Magdeleine Sable 
Outlook and package are shell, it'll break. Whereas, your true inner beauty shine from day to night till forever.

What do you think about imperfections? If you have the experience of overcoming  and embracing it please share by commenting below.

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